Imtezaaj, Urdu Research Journal, UOK - Karachi

امتزا ج

Department of Urdu, University of Karachi, Pakistan
ISSN (print): 2518-9719
ISSN (online): 2518-976X

Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, with his imposing personality and extraordinary work, has become a subject of research and study all over the world. At Egyptian universities too, Sir Syed has been a subject of research and critical evaluations. This article first briefly introduces Sir Syed's life and his works and the role he played in the cultural, educational and political life of the subcontinent and its citizens. Then the author surveys and analyses the studies and research and critical works taken up at various Egyptian institutes of higher learning and universities. The author has presented a comprehensive picture of whatever and wherever is written on Sir Syed in Egypt.



Dr. Ibrahim Muhammad Ibrahim El - Sayed (Cairo, Egypt)

Chairman Department of Urdu, Faculty of Humanities, Al-Azhar University (Girls Campus)


  • +201066339153


Type: Article
Volume: 8
Issue: 1
Language: Urdu
Id: 5fcdfba6d06a3
Published December 31, 2017
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